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Showing posts from June, 2018

Our First Advocacy Video: Magaso-Falls

A Rainy Start Early this morning, I was hard at work printing out the manuscript for our Advocacy Video project. I looked out of the window – and I realized that it was actually raining pretty hard. In fact, the cold had been sending shivers down my spine for quite a while now. I was a bit apprehensive because I wasn’t quite sure if the 28 pages that I had written down would be enough for the video – which, by the way, would serve as our final requirement for Purposive Communication. As an educator, I am required to take up this course, by hook or by crook. Otherwise, I will not be able to teach using the new CHED Curriculum. Amusing Setbacks By the way, I should mention that we were also having our extemporaneous speaking activity in the same area. This activity would actually serve as our midterms. My companions (all 11 of them) and I were actually total newbies at extempo – and it was definitely a very harrowing and yet enlightening experience. As such, we felt